10 Powerful Essential Oils To Always Keep On Hand [Infographic]
Today’s Essential Oils Are The Most Potent And Powerful Ever
Natural essential oils are amazing – just one drop can bring comfort and relief to a variety of conditions. These oils are extracted from plants – bark, leaves, nuts, resins, and roots. Oh, not to forget, some essential oils are extracted from flowers as well. These oils have been used for medicinal purposes over several centuries. This is one reason they are so popular today – they have a proven history and just have a way of bringing on joy and relief.
The oils we have today are much more potent, filtered, and pure than those used in earlier times. Ancient civilizations used rather crude distillation techniques to extract the oils, and while these oils were indeed effective, they lacked the medicinal strength of modern oils.
To the average person on the street, “essential oils” might typically be associated with something like making perfume or soap. They certainly are used for these purposes, but their benefits for your health far outweigh any other uses they might have.
I found this interesting and attractive infographic, which shows on interpretation of the “Top 10 Essential Oils”. These are all favorites. Are your favorites all depicted here? If you enjoy this infographic, print it out and also take a minute to share with others.